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Created: 08/11/2022
Have you ever been to – or through –Suffolk? The answer might be ‘yes, but just to the coast’ or as far as Flatford Mill on the River Stour (border country between Suffolk and Essex, made famous by Constable’s Haywain picture). More often the response is ‘no’ because it is simply not en route to anywhere other than Norfolk, and most people go there the quick way via Cambridgeshir..
Created: 16/02/2022
Modern life can be hugely overwhelming, in every sense of the word. We’re beholden to our mobile phones, we can’t resist checking our emails, our default method of ‘switching off’ is to sit in front of the TV and usually the first thing we do when we reach any destination is check for an internet connection. Simultaneously, our anxiety levels are rising, our sleep patterns are getting wors..
Created: 14/01/2019
Suffolk isn’t as sleepy as it looks from the outside. Luckily, based here at Woodfarm Barns and Barges, in the heart of the Suffolk countryside, we get to experience all of this county’s vast history, unique quirks and breathtaking beauty on our very own doorstep.
Created: 01/05/2018
Gaucin is one of the most spectacular and unspoilt of the renowned “Pueblos Blancos”. 626 meters above sea level, with spectacular views to Africa, the Sierra de Ronda and The Alconocales National Park. Charming white washed houses range along a lofty ridge, vultures and eagles wheel overhead, surrounded by miles of sun-dried hills.
Created: 07/11/2017
Lee and I have owned a holiday cottage in Lower Normandy for 10 years now, so we are quite familiar with all things “French”, including the stunning architecture. One thing newcomers to France may notice is a proliferation of Chateaux. Castles in the UK are few and far between and most are tourist destinations; many are looked after by The National Trust and other similar organisations. ..